盱眙红星模具有限公司是由于天长市红星拉丝模具厂业务发展需要于2011年6月在江苏淮安地区成立建设的一家专业从事拉丝模具生产,研发,销售的企业, 也是淮安地区唯一一家较大规模的拉丝模具生产企业。公司共享着总公司优秀的技术人才,先进的生产检测设备,同时自己又拥有独立先进的生产,管理,销售体系。使我们生产的拉丝模具类产品质量,及售前售后服务在行业内具有良好的口碑。产品畅销于国内二十几个省市自治区,远销韩国,日本,印度等国家。
我厂现有产品从0.013mm-16.00mm 的各种规格进口英国戴比尔斯聚晶拉丝模、进口美国康派克斯聚晶模、进口日本“住友”料拉丝模、国产聚晶拉丝模,高晶模、钨钢模、高精度聚晶模、人造聚晶模、金刚石拉丝模、钻石拉丝模、钻石眼模、CVD拉丝模、SFCD拉丝模、PCD钴基拉丝模、钛合金外壳镀锡模、挤塑模、导向模,涂漆模、硬质合金绞线模、硬质合金拉丝模,异形硬质合金拉丝模...还生产0.013mm-1.40mm天然钻石(微丝)拉丝模等系列模具,并为各拉丝厂家免费提供配模和认订模料。
In order to expand market and meet business development requirement of Tianchang Hongxing Drawbench Film Factory, XuYi HongXing Dies Co., LTD in June, 2011 was founded in Huaian District, Jiangsu. It specialized in production, research and development , and sales of wire- wire-drawing die which makes it most remarkable in this field in Huaian District. It shares “Hongxing” brand, excellent technical personnel, and advanced production and testing equipment with head office. With its independent production, management, and sales system, it has a good reputation in the product quality, customer service. Now our products are widely sold to more than 20 provinces at home, South Korea, Japan, India and etc abroad.
Major products of XuYi HongXing Dies Co., LTD are natural diamond die drawing, domestic polycrystalline drawing mode, imported polycrystalline drawing mode, domestic high crystal dies, tungsten carbide die, special shaped drawing tungsten carbide die, extrusion tips and dies, coating dies and accessories for mould in all sizes.
我厂现有产品从0.013mm-16.00mm 的各种规格进口英国戴比尔斯聚晶拉丝模、进口美国康派克斯聚晶模、进口日本“住友”料拉丝模、国产聚晶拉丝模,高晶模、钨钢模、高精度聚晶模、人造聚晶模、金刚石拉丝模、钻石拉丝模、钻石眼模、CVD拉丝模、SFCD拉丝模、PCD钴基拉丝模、钛合金外壳镀锡模、挤塑模、导向模,涂漆模、硬质合金绞线模、硬质合金拉丝模,异形硬质合金拉丝模...还生产0.013mm-1.40mm天然钻石(微丝)拉丝模等系列模具,并为各拉丝厂家免费提供配模和认订模料。
In order to expand market and meet business development requirement of Tianchang Hongxing Drawbench Film Factory, XuYi HongXing Dies Co., LTD in June, 2011 was founded in Huaian District, Jiangsu. It specialized in production, research and development , and sales of wire- wire-drawing die which makes it most remarkable in this field in Huaian District. It shares “Hongxing” brand, excellent technical personnel, and advanced production and testing equipment with head office. With its independent production, management, and sales system, it has a good reputation in the product quality, customer service. Now our products are widely sold to more than 20 provinces at home, South Korea, Japan, India and etc abroad.
Major products of XuYi HongXing Dies Co., LTD are natural diamond die drawing, domestic polycrystalline drawing mode, imported polycrystalline drawing mode, domestic high crystal dies, tungsten carbide die, special shaped drawing tungsten carbide die, extrusion tips and dies, coating dies and accessories for mould in all sizes.
- 主要经营产品:
- 拉丝模具;钻石微粉;铜铝线拉丝模模;漆包线拉丝模;钢帘线拉丝模;胶管钢丝拉丝模;切割线拉丝模;铜包钢线拉丝模;铜包铝线拉丝模;焊丝拉丝模;绞线拉丝模;钢丝拉丝模;钨钢模;镀锡铜线拉丝模;进口聚晶拉丝模;国产聚晶拉丝模;天然钻石模;高晶模;硬质合金模;钻石眼模
- 经营范围:
- 拉丝模具、模具机械设备、不锈钢丝、清洁球、管阀件生产、销售。(依法须经批准的项目,经相关部门批准后方可开展经营活动)
- 营业执照号码:
- 9132083057665439XB
- 法人代表:
- 肖长林
- 经营模式:
- 生产加工 [已实地认证]
- 成立时间:
- 2011-06-03
- 职员人数:
- 51人
- 注册资本:
- 460万元 (万元)
- 官方网站:
- 未提供